An online poll asks parents to vote for which male celebrity they would most want to see marry their daughters and become their son-in-law. While voting, they were also asked to give a reason for the choice. Here are the results!!
♥Siwon (rich, gentleman, reliable)
♥Jeong Kyungho (down-to-earth, capable, persevering)
♥Xiah (Kim) Junsu (gentle, warm smile, friendly)
♥Shindong (usually the chubby ones are very kind-hearted)
...LOLZ that's very nice of them...chubby Shindong
♥U-know (Jeong) Yunho (caring, responsible, hard-working)
♥Max (Shim) Changmin (adaptive/ good at school, can’t become a bad guy)
... O_O wow talk about very stereotypical people
♥Kong Yu (very elegant, very cute)
♥Kim Junghoon (very prince-like, very pretty, charming)
♥Hero (Kim) Jaejoong (good cook, helpful/ warm-hearted)
♥Kangin (capacity to keep house, is able to do the chores)
...T_T All DBSK members are wanted except Micky T_T poor poor Micky...

빈약한 꿀! 지금 그는 슬프다~ :(
Credit: SINA