The cat jumped over the moon, clearly stealing the cows thunder putting a tremendous dent in their relationship. The cow was furious for weeks upon weeks and did not know what to do. The cow’s friend chicken came to console him over such an emotional situation. It was unheard of that an animal would steal another animal’s job. Chicken was floored and flustered. Unable to console his old friend, cow, chicken went deep into the woods to ponder the situation at hand. Upon chicken’s departure, cow left a moment after, due to his phobia of small, confined places such as chicken’s house. As cow made his way back into his hilly pasture he felt an overwhelming sadness rise within him, he began to worry that no one would find him important now that he was not the only animal to jump over the moon. He doted on this thought for a long time... too long in fact for, cow soon found himself the victim of a panic attack. Unaware of what was happening to him, all he knew was that he was now breathing with short quick breaths and his thoughts were racing. What might happen to me he thought? What am I to do? Will I be forgotten? His thoughts raced faster and faster, until he passed out. Unconscious on the luscious green grass he did lay, time seemed to stand still as cow finally breathed soft gentle breaths until unconsciousness turned to sleep. Back at cats house, he and his family celebrated the fact that cat had jumped over the moon. He was the first cat over the moon and his parents and relatives beamed with pride at his accomplishment. Singing, dancing, eating and drinking carried on until the late afternoon. The celebration could be heard all the way over in the east pasture and all its noise aroused the duck. As he walked over to discover the cause for celebration, he collided with wise old squirrel who, as well as duck, was heading to cats to inquire upon the occasion for celebration. The two walked together to cat’s house in silence. Upon reaching cat’s house, squirrel knocked on cat’s door and was greeted by cat’s sister. Cat’s sister allowed them entrance and ushered the two into the main room where all of cat’s family were celebrating.
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